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Worker sustains injury after scoop brake fails

  • What happened?

    A crew was working on an underground conveyor belt extension.

    A scoop was used to supply hydraulic pressure, enabling the drilling and tying down the tail end of the conveyor belt.

    The scoop was parked in front of the tail end with the bucket forward and park brake applied.

    The scoop unnoticedly rolled down an incline towards the crew, pinching a worker’s foot against the tail end.

    The worker sustained a soft tissue injury to his foot. The scoop was not damaged.

    What happened - icon
  • Why did it happen?

    Immediate causes:

    • Parking brake failed.
    • Stop blocks were not positioned in front of the scoop.
    • The belt extension was positioned between long pillars due to the undermining of surface structures.
    • The scoop was positioned in front of the belt tail end.  This is not regular procedure when using normal mining pillars.  An intersection would have allowed for the scoop to be positioned 90 degrees to the tail end.

    Probable root causes:

    • Non-compliance with change management and failsafe requirement for upgrading and maintaining brakes.

    Probable lack of control:

    • Mining contractor used sub-standard equipment.
    Why did it happen - icon
  • What did they learn?

    Consider the positioning of vehicles to minimise roll and control roll direction.

    Install stop blocks in front of vehicles to prevent potential movement.

    Follow management of change processes. When conditions/worksite layout are not normal or not in compliance with procedures: stop, re-plan and reassess the risk.

    What learn - icon
  • Ask yourself or your crew

    Why did you think the contractors:

    • positioned the scoop in front of the tail end and not at 90 degrees?
    • did not  install stop blocks?

    What measures can we take today to control vehicle roll and other vehicle-related hazards?

    What is it about the working conditions and worksite layout for today’s job that is not as expected?  What should we do about it?

    Ask your crew - icon
Published on 20/08/19 1799 Views

A battery scoop was used for hydraulic pressure. The scoop’s parking break failed injuring a worker’s foot.