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Incidents caused by bad weather and strong winds during offshore operations

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What happened?

All of the incidents below have occurred during bad weather or strong winds:

  • Dropped gangway – gusts of strong and violent wind (>50 knots) caused a vessel to move off the quay.
  • Dropped objects (multiple objects from salt sack) – load was caught by 30 knot winds.
  • Failed quayside bollard – minor damage to vessel hull, the wind increased to 61 knots and the bollard failed.
  • Dropped object – object fell during or after storm with >50 knot winds.
  • Dropped lightning conductor – dropped because of vibration and environmental conditions over some time.
The front of the ship
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Why did it happen?

Although the findings of the incidents differ, they all have common factors, bad weather and strong winds.

  • The effects of weather and its unpredictability were not fully understood or considered.
  • Inappropriate assessment of weather effects on tasks and operations.

The environment can have immediate and long-term effects on equipment, objects, securing and secondary retention.

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What did they learn?

Emphasise the importance of reviewing the weather reports and including weather in toolbox talks (TBT).

Continuously monitor the weather and communicate any changes to those who may be affected.

Conduct thorough routine drops inspections, especially before and after bad weather.

Always be vigilant - guard against complacency whilst completing routine tasks.

Consider the effect of weather on all your activities, equipment and potential dropped objects.

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Ask yourself or your crew

What are your experiences with bad weather on site?

  • What equipment has been affected?
  • Have there been any injuries to workers?

What is your normal inspection regime? Does it change according to weather conditions?

What is your communication like on site? If a situation changed quickly, how effective are your channels of communication?

  • What happened?

    All of the incidents below have occurred during bad weather or strong winds:

    • Dropped gangway – gusts of strong and violent wind (>50 knots) caused a vessel to move off the quay.
    • Dropped objects (multiple objects from salt sack) – load was caught by 30 knot winds.
    • Failed quayside bollard – minor damage to vessel hull, the wind increased to 61 knots and the bollard failed.
    • Dropped object – object fell during or after storm with >50 knot winds.
    • Dropped lightning conductor – dropped because of vibration and environmental conditions over some time.
    The front of the ship
  • Why did it happen?

    Although the findings of the incidents differ, they all have common factors, bad weather and strong winds.

    • The effects of weather and its unpredictability were not fully understood or considered.
    • Inappropriate assessment of weather effects on tasks and operations.

    The environment can have immediate and long-term effects on equipment, objects, securing and secondary retention.

    Why did it happen - icon
  • What did they learn?

    Emphasise the importance of reviewing the weather reports and including weather in toolbox talks (TBT).

    Continuously monitor the weather and communicate any changes to those who may be affected.

    Conduct thorough routine drops inspections, especially before and after bad weather.

    Always be vigilant - guard against complacency whilst completing routine tasks.

    Consider the effect of weather on all your activities, equipment and potential dropped objects.

    What learn - icon
  • Ask yourself or your crew

    What are your experiences with bad weather on site?

    • What equipment has been affected?
    • Have there been any injuries to workers?

    What is your normal inspection regime? Does it change according to weather conditions?

    What is your communication like on site? If a situation changed quickly, how effective are your channels of communication?

    Ask your crew - icon
Published on 21/07/20 3830 Views

Multiple incidents have occurred during bad weather or strong winds. Similar incidents could be prevented by reviewing the weather reports, continuously monitoring the weather conditions and communicating any changes to those involved.