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Gas leak in on-site catering kitchen caused by unauthorised gas hose removal

What happened - icon

What happened?

Food preparation was being carried out in a catering kitchen when a fire alarm was activated.

The gas supply system was shut down, and the alarm turned off.

The gas company was called to investigate. They stated a sensor was faulty and calibrated it.

The next day the fire alarm was activated again.

The gas company were called back out.

Their further investigations found that the catering company had removed a gas hose without blanking it (blocking it off).

This resulted in a gas leak.

What happened - icon

Why did it happen?

The catering staff removed the gas hose without blocking it off. The gas ball valve was closed but not locked out.

The gas hose removal was not controlled by a permit to work (PTW) system.

Weekly inspections of the area were inadequate. Description of reported issues were unclear or incomplete.

What happened - icon

What did they learn?

Run awareness sessions on permit to work and emergency processes for all catering and facility personnel.

Review and modify the maintenance program for the gas supply.

Confirm the competency and skill of all workers using or conducting any maintenance work on the gas supply system. Ensure adequate supervision.

Consider replacing the gas supply in catering / accommodation areas with electrical systems.

What happened - icon

Ask yourself or your crew

What is the worst that could have happened?

What should you do if you observe your colleagues performing jobs they are not qualified for, or without a permit to work in place?

What is the emergency procedure when gas leaks occur?

  • What happened?

    Food preparation was being carried out in a catering kitchen when a fire alarm was activated.

    The gas supply system was shut down, and the alarm turned off.

    The gas company was called to investigate. They stated a sensor was faulty and calibrated it.

    The next day the fire alarm was activated again.

    The gas company were called back out.

    Their further investigations found that the catering company had removed a gas hose without blanking it (blocking it off).

    This resulted in a gas leak.

    What happened - icon
  • Why did it happen?

    The catering staff removed the gas hose without blocking it off. The gas ball valve was closed but not locked out.

    The gas hose removal was not controlled by a permit to work (PTW) system.

    Weekly inspections of the area were inadequate. Description of reported issues were unclear or incomplete.

    Why did it happen - icon
  • What did they learn?

    Run awareness sessions on permit to work and emergency processes for all catering and facility personnel.

    Review and modify the maintenance program for the gas supply.

    Confirm the competency and skill of all workers using or conducting any maintenance work on the gas supply system. Ensure adequate supervision.

    Consider replacing the gas supply in catering / accommodation areas with electrical systems.

    What learn - icon
  • Ask yourself or your crew

    What is the worst that could have happened?

    What should you do if you observe your colleagues performing jobs they are not qualified for, or without a permit to work in place?

    What is the emergency procedure when gas leaks occur?

    Ask your crew - icon
Published on 12/08/21 2192 Views

A fire alarm was activated in a catering kitchen. A gas leak was reported. The gas company found that a gas hose has been removed without blanking it off.