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Cabling in ROV hanger severed by ROV launch and recovery frame

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What happened?

During weekly testing of the vessel emergency firefighting pump, the engineer discovered that he could not start the pump.

It was discovered that the electrical cables and hydraulic hoses serving the equipment had been severed by the remotely operated vehicle (ROV) launch and recovery (LARS) .

The orange severed electrical cable
What happened - icon

Why did it happen?

Remotely operated vehicle (ROV) launch and recovery (LARS) frame had come into contact with the bulkhead cable tray.

The impact severed the cable and hose.

Issue was not noticed by those involved in the LARS operation and not reported.

Collision risk was documented in the risk assessment, however, no controls had been put in place to prevent it.

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What did they learn?

When installing and/or operating powered mechanical equipment, ensure that the possibility of contact between it, other equipment and fixed structures is:

  • Identified: Review the LARS operation documentation and risk assessment.
  • Mitigated: Reduce risk of equipment coming in contact with anything during installation by assigning resources during project planning phase.
  • Thoroughly checked during mobilisation: Carry out thorough checks during mobilisation. Remind employees of their responsibility of speaking up when discovering unsafe actions or conditions.
What happened - icon

Ask yourself or your crew

How can something like this happen here?

Think of a time you encountered a problem that hadn’t been reported.

Do you feel comfortable in your working environment to speak up when something doesn’t seem right?

What equipment can our LARS come into contact with?

What can we do to mitigate this?

  • What happened?

    During weekly testing of the vessel emergency firefighting pump, the engineer discovered that he could not start the pump.

    It was discovered that the electrical cables and hydraulic hoses serving the equipment had been severed by the remotely operated vehicle (ROV) launch and recovery (LARS) .

    The orange severed electrical cable
  • Why did it happen?

    Remotely operated vehicle (ROV) launch and recovery (LARS) frame had come into contact with the bulkhead cable tray.

    The impact severed the cable and hose.

    Issue was not noticed by those involved in the LARS operation and not reported.

    Collision risk was documented in the risk assessment, however, no controls had been put in place to prevent it.

    Why did it happen - icon
  • What did they learn?

    When installing and/or operating powered mechanical equipment, ensure that the possibility of contact between it, other equipment and fixed structures is:

    • Identified: Review the LARS operation documentation and risk assessment.
    • Mitigated: Reduce risk of equipment coming in contact with anything during installation by assigning resources during project planning phase.
    • Thoroughly checked during mobilisation: Carry out thorough checks during mobilisation. Remind employees of their responsibility of speaking up when discovering unsafe actions or conditions.
    What learn - icon
  • Ask yourself or your crew

    How can something like this happen here?

    Think of a time you encountered a problem that hadn’t been reported.

    Do you feel comfortable in your working environment to speak up when something doesn’t seem right?

    What equipment can our LARS come into contact with?

    What can we do to mitigate this?

    Ask your crew - icon
Published on 27/04/20 2081 Views

During weekly testing of the vessel emergency firefighting pump, the engineer discovered that he could not start the pump due to cables and hoses severed by the ROV LARS frame.