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Diver trapped by anchor chain

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What happened?

During a diving operation, divers were locating a pipeline end manifold (PLEM) near a single point mooring (SPM).

As Diver 1 searched for the pipeline end manifold, he went under the anchor chain without realizing, and his umbilical became trapped between the chain and the seabed.

He tried, without success, to free the umbilical, before passing back under the chain. At that moment the chain moved, trapping the diver at the chest and left shoulder.

Diver 2 was deployed to rescue Diver 1. He cut the umbilical and assisted Diver 1 back to the basket and safely back to the surface.  Decompression was not necessary owing to the shallow water depth (10-16m) and bottom time.

Diver 1 suffered minor thorax trauma.

A diagram of the diving operation showing the movements of the diver which resulted in them getting trapped.
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Why did it happen?

Heavy seas were causing significant movements of buoy and chains.

The vessel was in the wrong place, and the vessel’s movements were inappropriate for the ongoing operation; i.e. the dive basket moved during dive while diver was on the bottom.

The hazard identification was neither suitable nor sufficient for the project.

Company manuals and procedures were not followed.

The client only provided necessary information at a late stage.

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What did they learn?

Ensure all necessary information for safe operations is available in a timely way.

Conduct a more effective hazard identification (HAZID) – e.g. accounting for adverse environmental conditions.

Reiterate the full authority and responsibility of the Dive Supervisor in diving operations.

What happened - icon

Ask yourself or your crew

How can something like this happen here?

What sorts of hazards do we need to consider before starting diving operations?

What hazards are there in today’s diving operation?

What controls can we put in place (or have in place) to mitigate them?

What else can we do to keep safe?

  • What happened?

    During a diving operation, divers were locating a pipeline end manifold (PLEM) near a single point mooring (SPM).

    As Diver 1 searched for the pipeline end manifold, he went under the anchor chain without realizing, and his umbilical became trapped between the chain and the seabed.

    He tried, without success, to free the umbilical, before passing back under the chain. At that moment the chain moved, trapping the diver at the chest and left shoulder.

    Diver 2 was deployed to rescue Diver 1. He cut the umbilical and assisted Diver 1 back to the basket and safely back to the surface.  Decompression was not necessary owing to the shallow water depth (10-16m) and bottom time.

    Diver 1 suffered minor thorax trauma.

    A diagram of the diving operation showing the movements of the diver which resulted in them getting trapped.
  • Why did it happen?

    Heavy seas were causing significant movements of buoy and chains.

    The vessel was in the wrong place, and the vessel’s movements were inappropriate for the ongoing operation; i.e. the dive basket moved during dive while diver was on the bottom.

    The hazard identification was neither suitable nor sufficient for the project.

    Company manuals and procedures were not followed.

    The client only provided necessary information at a late stage.

    Why did it happen - icon
  • What did they learn?

    Ensure all necessary information for safe operations is available in a timely way.

    Conduct a more effective hazard identification (HAZID) – e.g. accounting for adverse environmental conditions.

    Reiterate the full authority and responsibility of the Dive Supervisor in diving operations.

    What learn - icon
  • Ask yourself or your crew

    How can something like this happen here?

    What sorts of hazards do we need to consider before starting diving operations?

    What hazards are there in today’s diving operation?

    What controls can we put in place (or have in place) to mitigate them?

    What else can we do to keep safe?

    Ask your crew - icon
Published on 04/05/20 2264 Views

An incident during a diving operation in which a diver became trapped between an anchor chain and the seabed. After trying to free the umbilical, the diver himself got trapped. Another diver had to cut the umbilical and bring him to safety. Both divers were unharmed.