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Forklift mast crushes the cabin, killing the driver

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What happened?

During lifting, the mast of a forklift truck became unhooked and crushed the cabin.

The driver died in hospital later that day.

The forklift had been inspected only one month before the incident.

The forklift with significant damage to the cabin
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Why did it happen?

The mast anchor design was not safe. Loose retaining brackets allowed the mast foot to come out of its supports.

In this case, the left side mast support was completely unsecured.  The right side was only partially secured (callipers were loose, damaged and not in line with the manufacturer design).

The centre of gravity of the mast was high (forks at mid-height, mast inclined backwards).

Abrupt reverse gearing in forward mode caused backwards force on the mast. Such bad practice was common on the site.

A cross section of the forklift highlighting damage to components of the forklift.
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What did they learn?

Replace similar forklifts with a safer design.

Check critical systems (including mast anchoring system) on monthly basis. Use a detailed checklist specific for each type of forklift. Perform certification of forklift in presence of the maintainer and driver.

Improve checklist for forklift drivers. Focus on safety devices and safety critical elements specific to the type of forklift.

Identify the key forklift risks during job risk assessment. Discuss these before each shift.

Transport loads with forks in low position.

Provide regular refresher training for maintenance teams and drivers.

What happened - icon

Ask yourself or your crew

Do we use this type of forklift?

How can the mast fall on the forklifts we use?

What actions can we take to prevent the mast falling?  Consider:

  • How do we inspect and maintain the forklifts?
  • Pre-job checks?
  • How do we operate them?

Before using a forklift, how will we know something similar  will not happen?

  • What happened?

    During lifting, the mast of a forklift truck became unhooked and crushed the cabin.

    The driver died in hospital later that day.

    The forklift had been inspected only one month before the incident.

    The forklift with significant damage to the cabin
  • Why did it happen?

    The mast anchor design was not safe. Loose retaining brackets allowed the mast foot to come out of its supports.

    In this case, the left side mast support was completely unsecured.  The right side was only partially secured (callipers were loose, damaged and not in line with the manufacturer design).

    The centre of gravity of the mast was high (forks at mid-height, mast inclined backwards).

    Abrupt reverse gearing in forward mode caused backwards force on the mast. Such bad practice was common on the site.

    A cross section of the forklift highlighting damage to components of the forklift.
  • What did they learn?

    Replace similar forklifts with a safer design.

    Check critical systems (including mast anchoring system) on monthly basis. Use a detailed checklist specific for each type of forklift. Perform certification of forklift in presence of the maintainer and driver.

    Improve checklist for forklift drivers. Focus on safety devices and safety critical elements specific to the type of forklift.

    Identify the key forklift risks during job risk assessment. Discuss these before each shift.

    Transport loads with forks in low position.

    Provide regular refresher training for maintenance teams and drivers.

    What learn - icon
  • Ask yourself or your crew

    Do we use this type of forklift?

    How can the mast fall on the forklifts we use?

    What actions can we take to prevent the mast falling?  Consider:

    • How do we inspect and maintain the forklifts?
    • Pre-job checks?
    • How do we operate them?

    Before using a forklift, how will we know something similar  will not happen?

    Ask your crew - icon
Published on 28/06/19 3666 Views

During lifting, the mast of a forklift truck became unhooked and crushed the cabin. The driver died in hospital later that day.