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Worker nearly crushed in basket trying to recover mobile elevating work platform from ditch

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What happened?

A mobile elevating work platform (MEWP) got stuck near an excavation.

A carriage with variable range was installed to tow a MEWP using a sling.

At the foreman’s request, the driver of the MEWP stood in the basket to control the wheels during this operation.

To make counterweight, the arm was placed 90° compared to the position of the engine.

As the towing started, the MEWP slowly started to slip into the excavation. The basket moved upwards and collided with a horizontal beam.

Luckily, the driver positioned in the basket was not hurt. He avoided the beam by squatting down.

The mobile elevating work platform. It is tilted and has one wheel in an excavation.
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Why did it happen?

Poor traffic conditions caused the MEVP to get stuck.

Workers wanted to get the MEVP out quickly, without taking into account the safety of the operation.

This was an unusual and unplanned operation.

Inadequate planning and operation for extraction of the vehicle.

The basket of the mobile elevating work platform directly underneath a set of horizontal beams.
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What did they learn?

Make people aware of the hazards of using MEWP on unstable ground.

During a delicate and unusual operation, do not act in a hurry.

Perform a preliminary risk analysis. Integrate competent people into the team who understand the risks involved.

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Ask yourself or your crew

Is the ground prepared for our vehicle?  How do we know?

Why do you think those involved didn’t see the risk to the driver in the basket?

What risks might we be overlooking?

How can you recognise when a task becomes more dangerous than anticipated? What can you do about it?

What else can we learn from this incident?

  • What happened?

    A mobile elevating work platform (MEWP) got stuck near an excavation.

    A carriage with variable range was installed to tow a MEWP using a sling.

    At the foreman’s request, the driver of the MEWP stood in the basket to control the wheels during this operation.

    To make counterweight, the arm was placed 90° compared to the position of the engine.

    As the towing started, the MEWP slowly started to slip into the excavation. The basket moved upwards and collided with a horizontal beam.

    Luckily, the driver positioned in the basket was not hurt. He avoided the beam by squatting down.

    The mobile elevating work platform. It is tilted and has one wheel in an excavation.
  • Why did it happen?

    Poor traffic conditions caused the MEVP to get stuck.

    Workers wanted to get the MEVP out quickly, without taking into account the safety of the operation.

    This was an unusual and unplanned operation.

    Inadequate planning and operation for extraction of the vehicle.

    The basket of the mobile elevating work platform directly underneath a set of horizontal beams.
  • What did they learn?

    Make people aware of the hazards of using MEWP on unstable ground.

    During a delicate and unusual operation, do not act in a hurry.

    Perform a preliminary risk analysis. Integrate competent people into the team who understand the risks involved.

    What learn - icon
  • Ask yourself or your crew

    Is the ground prepared for our vehicle?  How do we know?

    Why do you think those involved didn’t see the risk to the driver in the basket?

    What risks might we be overlooking?

    How can you recognise when a task becomes more dangerous than anticipated? What can you do about it?

    What else can we learn from this incident?

    Ask your crew - icon
Published on 21/02/20 2383 Views

A carriage with variable range was installed to tow a mobile elevating work platform using a sling. The driver was asked to position himself in the boom. Things went wrong, and he nearly got crushed when the basket collided with a beam.