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Finger amputated by piston retraction on blowout preventor

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What happened?

A worker’s finger was positioned inside the piston rod cylinder of a blowout preventer, through an open slot.

The machined opening on the piston rod cylinder was 7/8 inch and the rod was within an inch of the housing.

Another worker opened the blowout preventer ream.

The piston retracted.  The worker’s index finger was amputated at the first joint.

The unguarded blow out preventer.  An arrow on the right showing the location of the piston rod cylinder where the incident happened.
What happened - icon

Why did it happen?

There was no guard or protective device in place to prevent fingers getting trapped in pinch points.

Hazards associated with pinch points were not identified and addressed.

The unguarded pinch points on the rod cylinder, on the blow out preventer.
What happened - icon

What did they learn?

Understand rotating equipment hazards:

  • point of operation;
  • power transmission;
  • other moving parts.

Address potential consequences of these hazards (e.g. snagging, entanglement, entrapment, pinch points, etc.).

Only operate with guards and protective devices in place.

Understand PPE requirements and restrictions (where applicable).

What happened - icon

Ask yourself or your crew

How can something like this happen here?

Why do you think the worker’s finger was positioned inside the piston rod cylinder when his colleague opened the piston?

What other hazards are there when working around this equipment? (What have we not thought about?)

How can we prevent something similar happening here?

  • What happened?

    A worker’s finger was positioned inside the piston rod cylinder of a blowout preventer, through an open slot.

    The machined opening on the piston rod cylinder was 7/8 inch and the rod was within an inch of the housing.

    Another worker opened the blowout preventer ream.

    The piston retracted.  The worker’s index finger was amputated at the first joint.

    The unguarded blow out preventer.  An arrow on the right showing the location of the piston rod cylinder where the incident happened.
  • Why did it happen?

    There was no guard or protective device in place to prevent fingers getting trapped in pinch points.

    Hazards associated with pinch points were not identified and addressed.

    The unguarded pinch points on the rod cylinder, on the blow out preventer.
  • What did they learn?

    Understand rotating equipment hazards:

    • point of operation;
    • power transmission;
    • other moving parts.

    Address potential consequences of these hazards (e.g. snagging, entanglement, entrapment, pinch points, etc.).

    Only operate with guards and protective devices in place.

    Understand PPE requirements and restrictions (where applicable).

    What learn - icon
  • Ask yourself or your crew

    How can something like this happen here?

    Why do you think the worker’s finger was positioned inside the piston rod cylinder when his colleague opened the piston?

    What other hazards are there when working around this equipment? (What have we not thought about?)

    How can we prevent something similar happening here?

    Ask your crew - icon
Published on 22/05/19 2906 Views

A worker’s finger was positioned inside the piston rod cylinder of a blow out preventer. His colleague’s actions caused the piston to retract, amputating his finger.