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學習事件 (LFI) 網路研討會系列(英文,提供字幕)

作為「Toolbox」項目的一部分,我們舉辦了一系列每月舉行的網路研討會,探討各種主題,以幫助組織從過去的事件中學習。 完整的錄音現在可在這裡以及能源學會(EI)的 YouTube 頻道中取得

Toolbox presents | Learning from other industries - How can we do this better?

January 2022

Toolbox presents | A Toolbox to help frontline workers learn from incidents

February 2022

Toolbox presents | Line of fire - What can we learn from previous incidents?

March 2022

Toolbox presents | The role of leadership in accident investigations

April 2022

Toolbox presents | Learning from what goes right

May 2022

Toolbox presents | Lifting operations - What can we learn from past incidents?

June 2022

Toolbox presents | The importance of just culture when managing non compliance

July 2022

Toolbox presents | New ways of workplace training using Virtual Reality

October 2022

Toolbox presents | Road safety - What can we learn from previous incidents?

December 2022

字幕: 要激活它們,您可以全屏(或在 YouTube 上)播放視頻,然後單擊“字幕 (c)”按鈕。 然後要查看不同語言的字幕,請單擊“設置”按鈕並選擇您喜歡的語言。 注意:字幕由 YouTube 自動生成,其準確性可能會有所不同,並且未經能源研究所驗證。

如果您有興趣在未來的活動中發言,請聯繫 toolbox@energyinst.org.

如果您的組織有興趣贊助未來的網絡研討會,請聯繫 toolbox@energyinst.org.