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作为 Toolbox 项目的一部分,我们举办了一系列每月一次的网络研讨会,贯穿2022年,探讨各种主题,帮助组织更好地从过去的事件中学习。完整的录音现在可以在这里和 能源学会(EI)的Youtube频道上看到

Toolbox presents | Learning from other industries - How can we do this better?

January 2022

Toolbox presents | A Toolbox to help frontline workers learn from incidents

February 2022

Toolbox presents | Line of fire - What can we learn from previous incidents?

March 2022

Toolbox presents | The role of leadership in accident investigations

April 2022

Toolbox presents | Learning from what goes right

May 2022

Toolbox presents | Lifting operations - What can we learn from past incidents?

June 2022

Toolbox presents | The importance of just culture when managing non compliance

July 2022

Toolbox presents | New ways of workplace training using Virtual Reality

October 2022

Toolbox presents | Road safety - What can we learn from previous incidents?

December 2022

字幕。 要激活它们,你可以全屏播放视频(或在YouTube上),然后点击'字幕(c)'按钮。然后要看到不同语言的字幕,点击'设置'按钮,选择你喜欢的语言。注意:字幕是由YouTube自动生成的,其准确性可能有所不同,而且没有经过能源研究所的验证。

如果您有兴趣在未来的活动中发言,请联系 toolbox@energyinst.org.

如果您的组织有兴趣赞助未来的网络研讨会,请联系 toolbox@energyinst.org.