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Safe work practice: Stop work exercised on new gangway

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What happened?

A gangway had been newly installed, and the first transfer test was performed.

The captain observed several unsafe conditions – a trip hazard and a minor hydraulic leak.

He immediately exercised the ‘stop work authority’.

On further inspection of the gangway, cracks were found on the welding seams.

The gangway was quarantined until the corrective actions could be implemented.

Highlighting a trip hazard
What happened - icon

Why did it happen?

The crew thoroughly inspected the gangway before use.

The captain implemented the ‘stop work authority’ when the gangway was found to be unsafe.

The gangway was quarantined until necessary repairs were completed and it was safe to use.

Cracked welding and Hydraulic oil leak
What happened - icon

What did they learn?

Remind crew that they are authorised and expected to exercise the stop work policy if they are in doubt about any aspect of safety.

Conduct a pre-job/installation inspection of all equipment to ensure that it is fit for purpose and safe to use.

Any equipment found to be unsafe should be quarantined.

What happened - icon

Ask yourself or your crew

Have you ever issued a stop work authority?

  • What for?
  • Were you worried about issuing it?
  • How was it received?

What should you check for when inspecting new equipment? Do you perform the same checks on older equipment?

  • What happened?

    A gangway had been newly installed, and the first transfer test was performed.

    The captain observed several unsafe conditions – a trip hazard and a minor hydraulic leak.

    He immediately exercised the ‘stop work authority’.

    On further inspection of the gangway, cracks were found on the welding seams.

    The gangway was quarantined until the corrective actions could be implemented.

    Highlighting a trip hazard
  • Why did it happen?

    The crew thoroughly inspected the gangway before use.

    The captain implemented the ‘stop work authority’ when the gangway was found to be unsafe.

    The gangway was quarantined until necessary repairs were completed and it was safe to use.

    Cracked welding and Hydraulic oil leak
  • What did they learn?

    Remind crew that they are authorised and expected to exercise the stop work policy if they are in doubt about any aspect of safety.

    Conduct a pre-job/installation inspection of all equipment to ensure that it is fit for purpose and safe to use.

    Any equipment found to be unsafe should be quarantined.

    What learn - icon
  • Ask yourself or your crew

    Have you ever issued a stop work authority?

    • What for?
    • Were you worried about issuing it?
    • How was it received?

    What should you check for when inspecting new equipment? Do you perform the same checks on older equipment?

    Ask your crew - icon
Published on 26/05/21 2903 Views

A gangway had been newly installed and the first transfer test was performed. The captain observed several unsafe conditions and issued a stop work authority. The gangway was quarantined until it could be repaired.