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Plate steels fell from plate clamp, severely injuring worker’s foot

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What happened?

A worker was lifting a load using a plate clamp.

The plate clamp had a screw bolt and steel bar to apply the clamping force.

A section of plate steel fell from the plate clamp and injured the worker’s foot.

Plate clamps
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Why did it happen?

Worker was positioned in the line of fire.

Plate clamps are friction lifting devices. If the friction is inadequate or the load knocks into something, it can be dropped without warning – which happened in this incident.

Incorrect lifting equipment - plate clamps are more prone to dropping loads than positive lifting systems (such as a latched hook through a hole in the steel plate).

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What did they learn?

The use of positive lifting systems should be considered before using plate clamps.

Workers should stay away from the plate by a total distance of two times the height of the plate (see image). This takes into consideration the plate height plus a safety margin to allow for plate bounce.

Never lift loads with a plate clamp beside a person, where the load could hit the person if it released and fell sideways.

Never drag loads using with a plate clamp across the floor.

When using a plate clamp, make sure that:

  • it is not damaged and is suitable for the load
  • the lifting system has been approved by a competent person
  • a screw type clamp is tightened to the manufacturer's specifications
  • the correct number of clamps are used to lift long loads and the angle of the clamp must not exceed manufacturer's instructions
  • the plate clamp shackle cannot come off the lifting hook when lowering a plate.
  • workers are provided with adequate training and aware of the risks
Workers should stay away from the plate by a total distance of two times the height of the plate
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Ask yourself or your crew

Have you ever been in/seen an incident involving a plate clamp? What happened?

What do you use to lift loads? Is there a safer option?

What safe work procedures do you follow when using plate clamps?

How do you know where it is safe to stand during lifting operations?

What safety measures do we have on our site to prevent incidents during lifting operations? How can we improve?

  • What happened?

    A worker was lifting a load using a plate clamp.

    The plate clamp had a screw bolt and steel bar to apply the clamping force.

    A section of plate steel fell from the plate clamp and injured the worker’s foot.

    Plate clamps
  • Why did it happen?

    Worker was positioned in the line of fire.

    Plate clamps are friction lifting devices. If the friction is inadequate or the load knocks into something, it can be dropped without warning – which happened in this incident.

    Incorrect lifting equipment - plate clamps are more prone to dropping loads than positive lifting systems (such as a latched hook through a hole in the steel plate).

    Why did it happen - icon
  • What did they learn?

    The use of positive lifting systems should be considered before using plate clamps.

    Workers should stay away from the plate by a total distance of two times the height of the plate (see image). This takes into consideration the plate height plus a safety margin to allow for plate bounce.

    Never lift loads with a plate clamp beside a person, where the load could hit the person if it released and fell sideways.

    Never drag loads using with a plate clamp across the floor.

    When using a plate clamp, make sure that:

    • it is not damaged and is suitable for the load
    • the lifting system has been approved by a competent person
    • a screw type clamp is tightened to the manufacturer's specifications
    • the correct number of clamps are used to lift long loads and the angle of the clamp must not exceed manufacturer's instructions
    • the plate clamp shackle cannot come off the lifting hook when lowering a plate.
    • workers are provided with adequate training and aware of the risks
    Workers should stay away from the plate by a total distance of two times the height of the plate
  • Ask yourself or your crew

    Have you ever been in/seen an incident involving a plate clamp? What happened?

    What do you use to lift loads? Is there a safer option?

    What safe work procedures do you follow when using plate clamps?

    How do you know where it is safe to stand during lifting operations?

    What safety measures do we have on our site to prevent incidents during lifting operations? How can we improve?

    Ask your crew - icon
Published on 13/06/21 2198 Views

A worker was lifting a load using a plate clamp. A section of plate steel fell from the plate clamp and injured the worker’s foot.