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Buffer zones: Worker injured during attempt to board a moving loader

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What happened?

Two workers were moving materials using a fork attachment on a front-end loader. The loader weighed 16 tons (4 tons per tyre).

While the operator was driving the loader, the worker attempted to step on the first rung of the ladder to engage with the driver.

His foot was run over, and his arm was pinned under the wheel.

The operator heard a shout, stopped, and reversed the loader to free the injured worker’s arm.

The operator put the loader into neutral and applied the brake.

The injured person was able to walk unassisted from the incident.

The worker's foot was run over, and his hand was pinned under the rear tire
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Why did it happen?

The worker tried to board the loader while it was moving. Staying out of the line of fire and loader safety had been discussed in safety meetings.

Operator's view from loader
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What did they learn?

Do not touch or get near moving mobile equipment – stay in the safe zone. Establish a buffer zone of 3m (10ft).

Do not enter the exclusion zone (unsafe area) until there is eye contact with the operator, equipment is stopped, and the operator signals it is OK to approach.

Use the established standard or equivalent for the safe operation of powered equipment with forks used to lift and move materials.

What happened - icon

Ask yourself or your crew

Have you ever been involved in a similar incident? What happened?

What were the risks to the person trying to board the moving loader?

What safe working practices do you follow to prevent something like this from happening here?

How would you challenge someone working unsafely?

  • What happened?

    Two workers were moving materials using a fork attachment on a front-end loader. The loader weighed 16 tons (4 tons per tyre).

    While the operator was driving the loader, the worker attempted to step on the first rung of the ladder to engage with the driver.

    His foot was run over, and his arm was pinned under the wheel.

    The operator heard a shout, stopped, and reversed the loader to free the injured worker’s arm.

    The operator put the loader into neutral and applied the brake.

    The injured person was able to walk unassisted from the incident.

    The worker's foot was run over, and his hand was pinned under the rear tire
  • Why did it happen?

    The worker tried to board the loader while it was moving. Staying out of the line of fire and loader safety had been discussed in safety meetings.

    Operator's view from loader
  • What did they learn?

    Do not touch or get near moving mobile equipment – stay in the safe zone. Establish a buffer zone of 3m (10ft).

    Do not enter the exclusion zone (unsafe area) until there is eye contact with the operator, equipment is stopped, and the operator signals it is OK to approach.

    Use the established standard or equivalent for the safe operation of powered equipment with forks used to lift and move materials.

    What learn - icon
  • Ask yourself or your crew

    Have you ever been involved in a similar incident? What happened?

    What were the risks to the person trying to board the moving loader?

    What safe working practices do you follow to prevent something like this from happening here?

    How would you challenge someone working unsafely?

    Ask your crew - icon
Published on 03/05/21 2513 Views

Two workers were moving materials using a front-end loader. While the operator was driving, the worker tried to get on the moving loader. His foot was run over and his left arm was pinned under the wheel.