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Carbaryl (an insecticide) was being manufactured by reacting methylamine with phosgene to make a methyl isocyanate intermediate product which was then reacted with 1-naphthol. On the morning of the incident, an exothermic reaction occurred in the nitrogen-purged stainless steel methyl isocyanate intermediate storage tank. The temperature and pressure in the tank continued to rise until 40 tonnes of highly toxic vapours were released to atmosphere via the pressure relief system. The official death toll was 2,153 and the plant never restarted.
Ask yourself and your crew:
- How can something like this happen here (e.g. on our site)?
- What safety measures (i.e. procedures, controls/barriers) do we have in place to mitigate the risk?
- How do we know the risk controls/barriers are working?
- What improvements or changes should we make to the procedures, controls/barriers or the way we work?
Original content courtesy of IChemE Safety Centre