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A leak of high-pressure propane on a Propane Deasphalting (PDA) unit formed a large flammable vapour cloud which found an ignition source causing a series of jet fires and collapse of an elevated pipe rack which further fuelled the fire. Three employees and one contractor suffered serious burns and several others suffered minor injuries. The resulting damage forced the refinery to remain shut down for just under 2 months. It then operated at reduced capacity for nearly 1 year. The intensity of the fire resulted in blistering of the paint on the surface of a neighbouring butane storage sphere and prevented emergency responders reaching the fire water deluge valves provided to protect the sphere from overheating due to fire exposure. One of the jet fires caused a large release of highly toxic chlorine gas stored in pressurised cylinders near the PDA unite (used as biocide in cooling water). Refinery personnel had been evacuated from the refinery by this point.
Ask yourself and your crew:
- How can something like this happen here (e.g. on our site)?
- What safety measures (i.e. procedures, controls/barriers) do we have in place to mitigate the risk?
- How do we know the risk controls/barriers are working?
- What improvements or changes should we make to the procedures, controls/barriers or the way we work?
Original content courtesy of IChemE Safety Centre